Manufacturing as an Engine of Growth
Unlock and deploy innovative products, technologies, and solutions to increase value for manufacturers.
Drive sustainable and profitable growth, achieve carbon neutrality and commit to ESG reporting.
Empower every manufacturing worker with new opportunities through partnerships with industry, government and academia.
Our team is passionate about the work and projects we get involved with. This is why we are excited to share a glimpse at some of the major initiatives we are working on.
Disruptive Innovations and New Business Models
Global disruptions such as geopolitical shifts, trade tensions, climate change and growing opportunities offered by new technologies are generating in US companies an unprecedented need for change. Leaders need to rethink their organizations end to end – from the way their factories operate to the way they deliver value to their customers, to the society and to the environment.
This project aims to provide thought leadership on how to unlock new business models in manufacturing and share success stories and best practices around establishing an innovation mindset in a manufacturing environment.
Accelerating Technology
Adoption in the US
A select group of US manufacturers, including 9 sites from the Global Lighthouse Network have deployed advanced manufacturing technologies at scale, generating new value within the factory or across value chains. However, to build a more competitive manufacturing sector, US manufacturers need to gain a deeper understanding of how they can apply these technologies and accelerate the pace of adoption.
This project aims to share insights from the front runners in digital transformation including factories already identified in the Global Lighthouse Network while creating a geographically diverse series of learning opportunities across the US to unlock new partnerships that drive technology adoption. Interested in opening the doors to your factory for a technology workshop? Learn more here.
Upskilling the US Manufacturing Workforce
With 13 million workers in the US employed in manufacturing, workers need to be empowered with the tools necessary to take charge, troubleshoot problems, and focus on complex operations.
Key US manufacturers will work together to scale new technologies and innovations that enhance the worker experience. By mapping ways to increase employee engagement through empowerment, companies will utilize technology to enhance productivity. Explore how augmentation technologies can be used to educate and upskill the US workforce at scale.
Cybersecurity resilience through preparedness, innovation & collaboration
The US Center for Advanced Manufacturing is working with Automation Alley and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response to create a university-based cybersecurity center in Michigan focused on R&D and insights that will result in capabilities that reduce the risk of power disruption from a cyber-incident for energy delivery systems, and education that enables cybersecurity by design in the energy sector. The Cybersecurity Center, based at Oakland University, will be one of several DOE-funded university-based cybersecurity centers created to enhance the security and resilience of the nation’s critical energy infrastructure through collaboration and training.
For more information click here.
Upcoming Initiatives
Our team is constantly farming great ideas and identifying ways to grow them to reality. With only so much time in the day, we make sure to fill our pipeline with initiatives that are sure to challenge the status quo.
End-to-End Supply Chain Resiliency
A critical engine for manufacturing is the stability of the supply chain. The escalation of supply chain disruptions continues to be at the forefront of business leaders minds determining how to ensure Supply Chains have a foundation of sustainability and can weather the storm of constant changes. This has led teams to rethink how to re-establish robust, resilient and purpose-driven supply chains that have a positive impact on our business and our planet.
Global Network of Advanced Manufacturing Hubs
Highlight and amplify regional success stories at the global level through the World Economic Forum’s Platform for Shaping the Future of Advanced Manufacturing and Value Chains and the Global Network of Advanced Manufacturing Hubs

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